If collecting your own seed, note that Aquilegias will hybridise and are unlikely to look like the parent plant. This means if you want a particular variety, it is best to buy commercial seed. There are over pages of gardening information and illustrations. To seach this web site use this function. I hope you have enjoyed the information on this website and found it useful.
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All rights reserved. Powered by Create Ecommerce. How to Grow Aquilegia common name Columbine. The foliage of Aquilegia is attractive, with delicate leaves illustrated below right.
How and Where to plant Aquilegia. Aquilegia vulgaris is the wild species which is usually blue, illustrated above right. How to Grow Aquilegia from seed. Images of Aquilegia. Aquilegia with pretty pink flowers. Aquilegia alpina. Plant in full sun to part shade however they do prefer part shade, cm apart with the plant crown at soil level. Aquilegia will need to be pruned. Remove old flower stems after flowering. Also remove old foliage once its turned brown. You can divide your Aquilegia.
Try dividing larger clumps in early Spring before the new growth begins. If overgrown they can be affected by powdery mildew. Remove the affected plant and improve air circulation by eliminating congested growth.
Occasionally Thrip and aphids could be a problem. Watch out for snails and slugs around new growth. Looking for options for groundcover, try growing ajuga. Ajuga has a wide variety of foliage colors usually in the rich deep burgundy realm. How to grow yellow Allamanda! A tropical evergreen shrub features large golden-yellow flowers. Please note in QLD it's an invasive plant. Create organic nutrient rich soil with Yates Dynamic Lifter for better root growth, stronger plants and more flowers and fruit.
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